Thursday, August 5, 2010

Naruto 505: The Nine-tails Chakra unleashed!


As Naruto's mother disappears, Naruto one by one realizes that he has already achieved what his parents wanted for him. And he has finally took control of the Kyubi's chakra. 

He was able to wake up from his inner world where Bee-san and Yamato are waiting. They were amaze and Bee-san and Naruto started their silly talks that Yamato can't understand. Naruto showed how he can use the Kyubi's chakra and he suddenly sensed evil chakra in the room. Semehada emerge from his hiding and was amaze of how Naruto has capabilities to sense him that even sensor type shinobi's cant do. 

Suddenly Naruto use his newly acquired powers using his father's , The Fourth Hokage, technique. Semehada was surprise and he knew he has no chance against two Jinchuriki and a Wood element shinobi so he ran out. While in the outside in the falls. Guy sensei was about to see his true self in the waterfalls of truth when Semahada came out. He was shocked that a monster was in him so he give his usual youthful power and by giving Semehada his Leaf Boulder buster.

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